The culture of Ireland includes traditions,language,music,art,literature,flokore,cousine and sports associateol with ireland and irish people. For most pf its recorded hostory. Everyone has some from of tradition that is passed though generations of families,most of wich we never botherning exploring. A tipical irish tradition is probably hundreds of years old and some still seen as a common tradition for many families. Below is some of the traditions we've covered. Ireland has dramatically changed over the years leaving behind some of older traditions.One thing that is not as popular as it once was but is seen as a typical irish traditions in our blessing.Many of the irish blessing that are a thing of the past in Ireland are still Ireland has dramatically changed over the years leaving behind some of the older traditions. One thing that is not as popular as it once was but is seen as a typical Irish traditions is our blessings. Many of the Irish blessings that are a thing of the past in Ireland are still kept alive by people from all over the world.
mercoledì 9 aprile 2014
Saint George's Day.
Feast Days are days celebrated to commemorate the sacred mysteries and events in memory of the Virgin Mother of Christ or His apostles, martyrs and saints. These days are celebrated by special services or festivals. Ever religion has feasts but none are so rich or judiciously constructed as the system of festive seasons of the Catholic Church. The succession of these seasons form the ecclesiastical year documented on the liturgical calendar.The oldest ecclesiastical feast are the Jewish solemnities of Easter and Pentecost. Together with 'The Lord's Day they were the only universal Christian feasts into the third century. Epiphany and Christmas were added in the fourth century and in the sixth and seventh century the feasts of the Blessed Virgin were added (Assumption and the Immaculate Conception). The calendar grew because bishops were given the right to establish new feasts. The Statutes of Bishop Sonnatius of Reims in 620 lists eleven feasts; the Statutes of St. Boniface mention nineteen days. In ninth century England feasts were confined to Christmas, Epiphany, the three days of Easter, Assumption, St. Peter and Paul, St. Gregory and All Saints Day. As the number of recognized saints increased through the first half of the Middle Ages, eventually, every day of the year listed at least one saint. Many days listed two or more. Eventually some saints were removed but today some days are reserved to one or more saints.
George Clooney.
George Timothy Clooney is born May 6,1961 is an American actor, film director, producer, and screenwriter. He has received three Golden Globe Awards for his work as an actor and two Academy Awards one for acting and the other for producing. Clooney is also noted for his political activism and has served as one of the United Nations Messengers of Peace since January 31, 2008.

George Clooney.
George Timothy Clooney is born May 6,1961 is an American actor, film director, producer, and screenwriter. He has received three Golden Globe Awards for his work as an actor and two Academy Awards one for acting and the other for producing. Clooney is also noted for his political activism and has served as one of the United Nations Messengers of Peace since January 31, 2008.
The Last Weekend
Last weekend on Saturday I woke up t 7:00 a.m. o' clock,I got dressed,I ate and then I went to school. I finished at 13:15 and I arrived at home at 13:30,I ate with my family,and I helped my mother swept. At 16.00 p.m. I did my homework and I finished at 17:30 p.m. then I went to dance, I finished at 19:00 p.m. I went home,I washed I ate and I saw tv. At 23:00 p.m I went to bed.
Last weekend on Saturday I woke up t 7:00 a.m. o' clock,I got dressed,I ate and then I went to school. I finished at 13:15 and I arrived at home at 13:30,I ate with my family,and I helped my mother swept. At 16.00 p.m. I did my homework and I finished at 17:30 p.m. then I went to dance, I finished at 19:00 p.m. I went home,I washed I ate and I saw tv. At 23:00 p.m I went to bed.
mercoledì 2 aprile 2014
This is probably the hardest question any goth could try and answer, one may as well ask 'what is society?' as it has so many facets it defies any definitive explanation.
Goth in its simplest form, is a subculture. A group of people who feel comfortable within each others company. There is no specific thing that defines what you need to do or be to fit into the goth scene (except of course the implied black clothing). People in the goth scene all have different musical tastes, follow different religions, have different occupations, hobbies, and fashion sense.Most goths become goths because they have been spurned by 'normal' society because the way they want to live their lives does not fit in with how most people are told to live theirs. Goths are free thinkers, people who do not accept the moral rules of society because they're told 'This is just how it is' or 'This is what God says!'. Rather goths tend to listen to what you have to say, and make up their own mind. This kind of free thinking and rejection of dogma earns only rejection in todays society.
However because of this rejection from 'normal' society, goths have banded together to associate with other free thinkers. This has a beneficial effect on both the individual and society as a whole. For the individual they have a sense of belonging, and friends they can associate with. For society it removes one more misfit filled with rage from society's streets.
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