mercoledì 9 aprile 2014

Saint George's Day.
 Feast Days are days celebrated to commemorate the sacred mysteries and events in memory of the Virgin Mother of Christ or His apostles, martyrs and saints. These days are celebrated by special services or festivals. Ever religion has feasts but none are so rich or judiciously constructed as the system of festive seasons of the Catholic Church. The succession of these seasons form the ecclesiastical year documented on the liturgical calendar.The oldest ecclesiastical feast are the Jewish solemnities of Easter and Pentecost. Together with 'The Lord's Day they were the only universal Christian feasts into the third century. Epiphany and Christmas were added in the fourth century and in the sixth and seventh century the feasts of the Blessed Virgin were added (Assumption and the Immaculate Conception). The calendar grew because bishops were given the right to establish new feasts. The Statutes of Bishop Sonnatius of Reims in 620 lists eleven feasts; the Statutes of St. Boniface mention nineteen days. In ninth century England feasts were confined to Christmas, Epiphany, the three days of Easter, Assumption, St. Peter and Paul, St. Gregory and All Saints Day. As the number of recognized saints increased through the first half of the Middle Ages, eventually, every day of the year listed at least one saint. Many days listed two or more. Eventually some saints were removed but today some days are reserved to one or more saints.

George Clooney.

George Timothy Clooney is born May 6,1961 is an American actor, film director, producer, and screenwriter. He has received three Golden Globe Awards for his work as an actor and two Academy Awards one for acting and the other for producing. Clooney is also noted for his political activism and has served as one of the United Nations Messengers of Peace since January 31, 2008.

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